Vape Juice That is Easy on Stomach

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  1. I have been vaping on and off and a couple of years and have had painful bouts of gastritis/ulcers every time I start back up again. I have been primarily vaping light menthol, tobacco (didn't like them though) and some fruity flavors. 12 or 9%. A mix of mostly PG and some VG. I HAVE tried only PG and only difference.

    I finally made the connection after keeping a log...the cause of my GI distress is definitely vaping. I just underwent 2 upper scopes. One while vaping and a second after I stopped for a while and it was clear that it flared up from vaping. I suspect that it's from swallowing small amount of the liquid. I have no stomach issues when smoking analogs.

    SO...I'm looking to try another flavor that will hopefully not irritate my stomach lining. I tried using flavorless liquid, but it was so boring and didn't satisfy my cravings.

    Is there anyone out there who had issues with menthol, but found another flavor that was okay? I know this is a very specific question, but I'm hoping someone has some suggestions.

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  2. Thrasher

    Thrasher ECF Guru ECF Veteran Verified Member

    I think you may want to try a different atomizer, what are you using now?

    Through the years I have had some devices just tear my stomach up, my guess is the vapor is too "wet", if that makes sense, and just coats my mouth with juice, then the cramps starts. The original protank was one, stopped using it and next day was fine.

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  3. What about a little touch of peppermint or spearmint rather than the menthol ?

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  4. Ryedan

    Ryedan ECF Guru ECF Veteran Verified Member

    When I started vaping I used to get a bit of heartburn from some juices, but it was not nearly as bad as what you're describing. I started to make my own juices after a while and my problem went away, but I don't know what it was that got me at the time. A couple of questions.

    Did all the juices you tried, including the fruity ones, have menthol in them? The other thing that was in all your juices is nicotine. What makes you think it's the menthol that's the problem?

  5. Racehorse

    Racehorse ECF Guru ECF Veteran Verified Member

    Higher nic gave me bad reflux and I had to be scoped. Also certain flavorings, I was no longer able to vape bobas bounty for instance.

    I have no problems with mints, but menthol is harder on me.

    WHo knows what it is for you....I would add just a "tad" of flavoring and then also make sure my delivery device is very efficient, and doesn't spit juice into my mouth instead of vaporizing it.

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  6. Stomach issues can be a sign of too much nicotine. Could it be that you're vaping too high of a level or vaping too much?
  7. NancyR

    NancyR Account closed on request ECF Veteran

    I have really bad acid reflux. and some flavorings really do a number on me. I have found for me that many vendors just use too high of flavoring % in their mixes for me. One of the things that helped was for a couple of weeks I vaped flavorless to help get everything back under control, then cut vendor juices down by adding half e-liquid and half vg. As I currently vape 12 it is easy with the vendors I use to buy 24 mg and just cut it making it 12.

    By cutting them like I do I no longer have a problem with them.

  8. dbrandt01

    dbrandt01 Ultra Member ECF Veteran Verified Member

    Unflavored stopped my stomach problems. However, nicotine could play a factor also.

    Curious what are you using to vape? If you think you're getting juice in your mouth. Although, a little e-juice never hurt me. Even when I dipped into DIY, I'd put a drop on my finger and lick it to see how it was.

  9. I have also been suffering from Acid Reflux from vaping certain flavours, it seems to be more apparent when vaping certain fruits (kiwi, apricot, pineapple) along with mints (mainly peppermint).
    These in general eating terms will also exacerbate the problem, so it is not really a surprise that vaping acidic flavours causes the reaction too.

    I have found a few things that help:
    1) Eating marshmallows (no joke)
    2) EFT - Tapping (emotional freedom technique) - have a look on youtube for eft for acid reflux or similar.
    3) Drinking more water

    I don't think the nic has anything to do with the effect, as stated above it is more to do with the flavourings (in my experience).

    Unsteeped juice seems to be far far worse than steeped too.

  10. Huh, I've actually noticed this too, but I never really attributed it to vaping. I vape primarily flavorless though, and I still occasionally find my acid reflux is irritated by vaping. Or at least, that's the connection I'm now making.

    A bit odd. I never noticed, when smoking, that it'd irritate my acid reflux, but I also smoked for shorter durations than I vape.. Hm.

  11. NancyR

    NancyR Account closed on request ECF Veteran

    While everyone's triggers for acid reflux can vary, caffeine and nicotine are both very common factors. Also if you look you will find a lot of the same flavorings we know to be tank crackers (old style plastic tanks) are in one form or another on the list of triggers.
  12. I don't have acid reflux, more like "bubble guts." It seems somewhat related to the wetness of the vapor and the amount of juice that gets shot into my mouth. Just messes me up, and I don't remember these issues with smoking, either.
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